
Saturday 12 January 2019

The Hair. The Hair! Whatever Shall We do About the Hair?!

Good Afternoon:

Up until now, I have been using the daily calendar dates as my Post Titles.  I have since realized that when I have to go back to look for something previously posted, I have no indication of what was written, unless I actually re-read the post.  Hmmm.  This required a re-think that perhaps actual Post Titles will help me (and you readers) when I need to go back to find a specific topic.  So, henceforth, I shall be using Post Titles. 

I have had a couple of busy days in the past few days.  Usually I get a lot of studio time during the winter months, but it seems when I really want to get a project, other things pull me away. 

One of these "other things" that has been distracting me lately is the dust and dog hair that pops up, settles in, and floats down.  Literally, over night in my house.  When you share a house with a very large -130 pound - Bernese/Pyrenees dog, you discover a new meaning to the word - Shed.  We knew when we adopted our adorable pup that he would shed.  But somehow I misunderstood the actual shedding concept and thought perhaps an occasional bit of hair here or there.  I may have to sweep a little more often.  Perhaps vacuum twice a week.  Yup.  I was totally clueless.  It is like living in a freaking Snow Globe!  I Swear It!  A Freaking Snow Globe!

His Majesty having a nap after a hard day of being himself.  :)

The good news is he is not bothered about the vacuum.  Thank Goodness!  In fact, he loves to "help" me with my now daily chore.  This usually involves following me around with his green, squeaky ball and squeaking it very near me and very loudly.  This is either at my hip or against my backside.  And I do mean squeak it.  Full On.  Squeak.  Squeak.  Squeak.  This activity can last 10 or more minutes during the daily vacuum session - which, by the way is about an hour in length, on average.  

His other favorite activity during the vacuum ritual is to sit on, or get wrapped up in the hose.  

Can't begin to imagine why my hose loses suction or won't move!

I have a central vacuum system with a 30' long hose, so it can get out of my line of sight.  When my suction suddenly decreases or I can't get any more necessary length, I yell, "Get Off my Hose!", and Voila! my suction magically returns or I have a few more feet in length!  

The first few times I caught him doing this made me laugh out loud.  He would bring his pillow bed, put in on top of the hose and lay on it.  Or just lay on it.  Or wrap himself up in it.  Regardless of how, it was no wonder that I lose suction or can't pull the hose any further.  

If he isn't doing either of those helpful activities, he has been known to "mouth" the hose, just a bit, to hold it, so he is "helping" me.  Thank goodness there is a protective sock on it!  

I do have to admit, vacuuming has never been more entertaining - and I have never vacuumed more in my entire life.  I think I have vacuumed more in the past 2 years than I have in total in the previous 40.  

Never a dull moment with this character!  He does make me smile.  Every Day.  

What drives me even more batty, is to be wrapping the hose after a session and to see several new hairs on the floor.  I swear.  He sheds by the second! 

And the Dust!  I don't know where it is all coming from!  We have those Super Duper Dust Collecting Filters in the furnace, and I don't think I have ever dusted more in my life, either!  

I don't know if Papa and I are returning to the dust - you know:  Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust - or if the dog has anything to do with it, but man, oh man!  I have never seen so much dust in my life!  

It could be the country living with the combine dust, and dirt roads and field dust that gets into the house during the warm months, when the windows are open?  Perhaps, it just hides out until the furnace kicks in.  But Holy Hannah!  The Dust!  

So, I have decided, that I obviously can't keep up with it or ever get ahead of it.  And you wouldn't know that I just did either chore anyways.  I have resigned to the fact that my house is going to be like living in snow globe.  

I either can fret about it and clean, wipe, vacuum, and dust daily, if not hourly.  Or just be like Elsa, and Let It Go, Let It Go, Let It Go.  I am just going to go with it and get over it.  Just do it when I absolutely can't stand it any more.

I have better things to do and projects that I enjoy far more.  They say a little dust never hurt anyone.  I guess I am going to have to test the theory.

Until next time,


1 comment:

  1. OMG!!! That would be a lot of hair, but he is ADORABLE so I think snow globe it is!!!
