
Wednesday 9 January 2019

January 9, 2019

Good Afternoon:

In this life you can choose to be content or you can choose to be constantly searching. It really is all about lifestyle.  It's about a quality of life.  If you love your life and have created a life that you want to live, you are rich beyond words.  When you live the life you want, and do the things you love, you never need to take a vacation from it.

When Papa and I chose this self-sustaining path, we did it for a couple of reasons.  The first and primary focus was to have control over what we are feeding ourselves and our family.  The secondary focus was to have enough to do to keep ourselves well entertained into our very golden years.  Especially during our long, cold winter months, here in Sunny Alberta.

Although we both do like to travel, we knew that this would only fill a very small part of our calendar year.  And since neither of us loves the Hot Weather like so many others do, heading to Arizona for several months during our winter months, doesn't really appeal to us either.

We are both 4 season loving home bodies.  We spend all our time outdoors in the spring/summer/fall lovingly tending to the yard and gardens.  I love to can our produce and it thrills me beyond words to use our own product, grown on our land, for our consumption.  But I do have to admit that we both do Love Winter, and not for the outdoor sports aspect of it. . . . we both have hobbies that fill our time at home during the cold, winter months.  This is where our 2nd lives come into play.  Papa loves to play in his workshop and I have my Glorious Studio!

My Prairie Points Quilters Studio includes items for retail sale, a classroom space where I teach and my personal work space.  When I am not in the yard or garden or putting up produce or otherwise in the kitchen, my every other waking moment is spent out here.

I have had a love affair with a needle and thread for well over 50 years now, and it is a passion that absolutely continues to consume me.  I am one of those who needs to be constantly busy.  I can't sit and watch a movie unless I am knitting something, working on EPP blocks, quilting a quilt, anything.  I simply cannot just sit.  I spent the better part of the fall, into the Christmas season knitting.  Now I am working on my English Paper Piecing again in the evening.  It is amazing how quickly it goes!

EPP Work in Progress, completely hand done

I have a completely different project that I am working on in the Studio.  Actually, it is one of several, but this one is my main focus at the moment. 

Whites and Neutrals cut up into 576, 2" squares and 192, 2" x 5" rectangles

Assorted colored scraps cut into 768, 2" squares

Steps one and two complete

I started by sorting out and cutting 576, 2" squares from white and neutral fabrics as well as 192, 2"x 5" rectangles from the same whites/neutrals.

From the printed fabrics, I sorted and cut 768, 2" squares.

Step 1.  Sew one colored, 2" square onto each of the 192 white/neutral rectangles.  Press to the print side of the block.

Step 2.  Take 1/2 of the blocks made in step one, 96 units, and sew a white/neutral 2" square onto either end.  Press to the dark block.

As I proceed with my project, I will take notes and continue to post in this blog as well as on my Prairie Points Facebook page:

Until next time, chose contentment.  It really is a great place to be!

Warmest regards,


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