
Wednesday 23 January 2019

48 Scrap Busting Blocks are Finally Complete!


It has certainly been a run getting these 48 Scrap Busting Blocks put together and pressed.  I am happy to say that the block assembly portion of this project is finally complete!  I am really happy with how the blocks turned out and the fact that they all measure 11", as planned.  Hee hee!  It really doesn't take much to amuse me, does it?

All my blocks from the 4 previous steps were sorted and pressed.  As this is a Scrap Busting project, I searched thru a couple of bins, looking for a piece of fabric that was .75m of a "solid reading" color.  This was then cut into 5" strips and cut again into 5" squares.  The netted me 48 - 5" squares.  I then laid out the previous steps blocks around the center block, to keep things all sorted out for the layout of final block assembly.  I then took only the necessary pieces to the sewing machine (so I wouldn't get confused).  The strips were then sewn, daisy chain style, to the main center block - beginning with the right side of the center block, then the left side, as follows:

Step #5 a:  Sew two of the previous Step 3 units onto each side of the center 5" square.

Step #5 b:  Add the Step 4 units to the top and bottom of #5 a, paying attention to the intersecting points.

Step #5 c:  Add the two side pieces from Step One, to each side, again paying attention to intersections as required.

Final Step #5 d:  Add top and bottom units from Step Two, paying attention to intersections.

Scrap Busting Block is Complete!  You will have 48 x 11" square blocks.  Press seams to one side.  I used Best Press to get a crisp, flat finish.

I am now playing with a layout.  48 blocks will net you a 6 block across x 8 block down, quilt measuring about 60"x 80".  This adds no sashings or borders and will be the quickest way to complete this quilt top.  A perfect double bed size, with a nice drape or a large throw/picnic quilt.

I then played with adding a 2" white/neutral sashings with 2" square, scrappy corner stones.  This would add 10.5" to the width and 15" to the length, netting a 70.5" x 95" quilt top.  The only border would be the repeat of the sashing and corner stones, to make the final outside border.  This would be a great large double or queen sized quilt.

I then played with putting the blocks On Point, with no sashing but inserting triangles around the outside edge to make a straight, square outside edge.  It actually looks really great this way.  I considered, as well, the On Point placement, but cutting off the excess from the outside blocks, to square up the quilt and adding no sashing or borders.  Haven't done the math on these two.

Then, there is the option of making it either into a Huge Massive King Sized or Two Smaller Twin Sized, by adding Another, further 48, 11" blocks of a completely different fabric or block style! This in essence would be a Scrappy Block/Alternate Block combo, repeated to the desired finished size. This might be too much and I certainly don't need it this large.  Two smaller Twin sized would be a better fit for me, but I don't know if I want 2 quilts made from this block layout, but it certainly is a possibility.    

I can even see treating these Scrappy Blocks like you would a "Disappearing 9 Patch" block.  This is where you cut the block into 4 equal sized pieces, then rearrange them and sew them back together.  With the center being a nice 4.5" finished, and a "solid color", it could be quite effective.  It would be Similar to this concept to cut the block:  

Image result for disappearing patch block pictures
After cutting the blocks, Reassembly would be to rearrange the 4 new smaller blocks into a pleasing manner.  Most often, the bottom left and top right parts are switched, then the block is sewn back together.  This could be a very interesting option, for sure! 

"Something Similar" also, is this next concept where the following block - with a similar, but less scrappy layout to my block - is cut apart and rearranged.  I think this could be quite interesting, indeed! 

 Disappearing Bonnie Scotsman Quilt Block Pattern
The Options and layouts are unlimited!  I haven't decided as to what I am going to do with mine yet.  They may need to sit and marinate for a while, to let me contemplate the best use of them.

Thank you for joining me on this Scrap Busting Block journey.  It has been a great exercise to dive into and sort out some of my scraps.  Did I make even a dent in them?  Ha ha ha!  Nope.  Not even slightly!  But a quilter could have worse problems, hey!?

Until next time.

Have a wonderful day and Sew On & Sew On!



  1. Replies
    1. Thank you! It has been a fun project. Didn't begin to put even a small dent in the scrap pile, but I share persevere! Ha ha ha! :)
