
Thursday 17 January 2019

Curve Balls and Frosty Beauty Abounds

Good Day.  I Say, Good Day:

You never know what your day will bring.  Even with your best laid plans, life has this way of tossing you a curve ball every now again.  Sometimes it is well received.  Other times, not so much. . . .

As I went about my morning ritual, which includes opening the chicken coop, changing the water and gathering eggs, I noticed some crazy ice cycles hanging off my rain chains.  Hmmm?  This prompted further examination.  Get your chores done first, then look, she says, as her mind begins to wander . . .

I stopped at the chicken's yard to toss in some lettuce ends and few kitchen scraps ~ seriously, they'll eat pretty much anything and think they are having a grand treat! ~ that was when I noticed the frost on the wire.  Oooooh!  Okay, stay focused.  The chickens need out, they need water, the eggs need to be gathered.  Stay focused . . . .

Opening the chicken run door, they all ran outside to see what tasty treat alighted into their run ~ I always make a big production of putting their treats in the run as I prefer to do my chores without their misguided assistance.  Shut the run door, do my job, open the door and take the eggs back to the house.  Ooooh!  There's more frost!  Ooooh! 

Eggs are safe in the house.  Grab some peanuts for the Blue Jays and my phone.  Isn't it amazing the technology available on Cell phones now?  My Galaxy 7 has a better camera on it than my old Canon Rebel XTi had!  Technology is CraZy!  Phone in hand, I went back out to take a closer look . . .

Wilbur and I spent the next 45 minutes or so wandering around the property capturing some of the most beautiful Frost pictures that I have ever had the pleasure to take!  Mother Nature at its finest.  I am thrilled to have been able to witness it.  Wilbur was just happy for an impromptu romp, with his ball, in the snow, outside!  Joy and delight for each of us, in our own way.

And, This is what I saw whilst on our impromptu adventure: 

The mesh on the coop door

The fencing of the chicken run

Blue Spruce Tip

Rail Fence

Wooden Post

Chilly Bird Feeder Perch

Rain Chain Ice

Even the rope on my clothes line pull was beautiful, but don't lick the metal post!

Too Cold to hang out the clothes today!

I don't know why the Frost intrigues me as much as it does, but I am always struck with awe by its crisp, pure beauty.  As you already know, Papa and I have no desire to spend our winter months in warmer climes.  With all this beauty abounding, why would we?!

Enjoy your day and may you find something beautiful that brings you joy as well today.

Warmest Regards,


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