
Monday 31 December 2018

December 31, 2018

New Year's Eve 2018:

My morning started off a bit late today, but in my defence, I had a certain furry fellow decide, in the wee hours, that he needed to make a quick trip outside for a moment.  He got done what he needed to do and we settled back in.  That is, until he decided he needed to go down stairs about half an hour later.  He never goes down stairs unless he hears something, or in this case, I heard something. . . . Up again, for a clean up on Aisle One (the stair case) and Aisle Two (the landing).  That wouldn't have been much fun for Papa to stumble upon ~ or rather into ~ as he went about to start his day.  So, 8:30 was feet to the floor time for me today.  And our buddy is fine.  Don't know what his issue was.  It was a Dog Thing, I guess?

After vacuuming ~ who ever thought it was a good idea to have a Bernese/Pyrenees as a house dog needs to really think long and hard about the falling hair clouds.  Honestly.  It's like living in a snow globe! ~ and tidying the kitchen, it was time to check on the chickens and gather eggs.  Papa has the coop vented nicely so the water doesn't freeze any more.  Only 4 eggs on the first collection.  And, nope, they have absolutely NO intention on going out today either!  Silly chickens!  I then checked on the lettuce and spinach experiment in the greenhouse.  We have sprouts, but I am not thinking they will amount to much.  We'll keep hoping though.  Probably not enough lighted hours.

Papa informed me last night that the Wilbur Snacks Bucket was getting a little low, so I set about to make him a new batch.  I got a Pumpkin Puppy Biscuit recipe, from a friend some time ago and Wilbur really loves them.  I tweaked the recipe to suit his needs and likes:

Wilbur Snacks Recipe:

1/2 cup of pureed pumpkin (I roast and freeze our own home grown pumpkin, in pre-measured portions)
2 eggs (farm fresh)
2 tbsp skim milk powder
pinch of salt
2 cups + a bit more, if more needed (I mill wheat to make whole wheat flour)

Knead ingredients together to make a rather stiff dough.  Roll out on floured surface.  Spread apart on baking sheet.  Bake 350 F for 20 minutes.  Turn biscuits over and bake 20 minutes more.  At this point, I just turn off the oven so they harden completely.  He just loves them!  He has been known to sit by the door of the pantry, just in case I have a notion to give him one.   The photos attached show a batch, doubled.  I don't know what I was thinking!  I guess I had 4 eggs with cracks that needed to be used up.  But seriously!  Wowzers!

Wilbur Snacks dough rolled out.  This was a double batch!  What was I thinking?  Yikes!

Wilbur Snacks baking on 3 trays in the oven.  This should tide him over for a while!  

While the Wilbur Snacks were in the oven, Papa mentioned that the Chocolate Syrup jar was empty.  May as well make a batch of that too, while I am waiting on the oven.

Chocolate Syrup Recipe:

1/2 cup of cocoa powder
1 1/2 cups of white sugar
pinch of salt

Mix these all together in medium sized saucepan, pressing out chocolate lumps (or sift if really bad).

Add 1 cup cold water and stir over medium heat until boiling.  Boil for 3 minutes.  Mixture will rise up in the saucepan - Do Not leave it unattended!  Lower heat if necessary to contain it to the pan.  Remove from heat after 3 minutes of continued boiling and stirring.

Add 1 tsp of pure vanilla to sauce after removed from heat.  Allow to cool in the pan for a bit.  Store in pint jar in fridge.  Keeps indefinitely.  Or about 2 days if the Grand-kidlets are over!  Ha ha ha!

Excellent over ice cream, mixed into milk for chocolate milk, whatever you might want a chocolate sauce for.  Enjoy!

I am looking forward to what 2019 will bring to No Regrets Ranch.  I think we are on the cusp of some pretty major life changes (and perhaps a few challenges) for Papa and I.  The only thing certain in life, is after-all, Change.  Might as well roll with it!

Happy New Year to You All!

Warmest Regards,


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