
Sunday 30 December 2018

December 30, 2018

Good morning!

We all have a different perspective on what makes a beautiful day. Today, I think it's cold, blustery and miserable out. Wilbur, on the other hand is saying ~  Come on, Gramma! It's beautiful out there! Can we pretty please go for a walk? Please! It's so nice outside! ~ Sorry Buddy. Not happening! What a guy. Any cold, miserable, blustery day is His absolute, favorite day!  He is so sad looking out the window.  I will let him go lay in the snow later or chase his ball down the driveway.  But Gramma won't be going out for any sort of walk today.  The wind will cut right thru you!  

Me?  I'm not thinking it's as nice out as he does.  Today is a great day for catching up on some laundry, doing a bit of knitting and maybe head out to the studio for a little more scrap cutting up later. Anything but going out for a walk!

The chickens aren't even sticking their beaks out of the coop to check on the day either today!  It's so cold that most of them have also decided against laying any eggs. Good thing they were productive yesterday and the day before.  I guess that they can lay low today as well.  Perhaps winter has finally arrived?  It has been so beautiful recently.  

And if you absolutely have to travel today, do take extra care.  The temperature, with predicted wind chill, is forecasted be -40°c today in Northern Alberta.  Not as cold here, but still not very nice.  Keep warm everyone.  

Warmest regards,


Poor Wilbur.  Looking longingly at the Beautiful Day outside.  Sigh
Gramma's Idea of a Good time!

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