
Saturday 29 December 2018

December 29, 2018

Good Afternoon:

Ah, Saturday!  Our Saturday today began like most other Saturday's throughout the year.  Several years ago, our kind neighbours offered to take our weekly garbage to town to drop off at the County Dump, as they were taking their own bags in anyways.  We initially declined their kind offer, as there isn't really ever that much to take since we recycle and compost pretty much everything we can.  They continued to insist, so we finally gave in and agreed to let them take it.  And thus began our weekly tradition of their picking up our 1/2 a small, white kitchen bag of garbage.  The only caveat was they have to stop in for freshly baked muffins and coffee first, before they head to town. This ritual has become quite a tradition now.  We rarely, if ever miss our Saturday Morning Coffee Date.  In fact, if one of us has to cancel for whatever reason, we both feel as if something was missing.  It has become and entirely wonderful way to start our weekend.  

And, in my efforts to live a simpler life, I am ditching electronics in my house as they expire.  Case in point, yet another coffee pot gave up the ghost.  Solution:  Old School Perk.  Nothing to break down and the coffee is actually much better tasting!  Win/Win!  

Old School Pyrex Coffee Perk

After our neighbours (and our garbage) left for town, I proceeded to bake a batch of Flax Buns and do some laundry.  Papa perused his Wine Making Recipe Book for inspiration as he is in a wine making mood.  Again, Win/Win!  Hee hee

Flax Buns, fresh from the oven!

I then took Wilbur the Snow Pup for a nice walk, or is it he who takes me for a nice walk?  Regardless, it is a beautiful afternoon and we decided that we both needed some fresh air.  It always cleans the cobwebs from my head.  A few kilometres later and himself is ready for a nap and I am ready for some studio time.  Again, Win/Win!  

Winter is his FAVOURITE season!  It must be from his Swiss Alps Heritage!  This Boy LOVES the Snow!
And I will spend the rest of my afternoon cutting up random scraps of fabric into usable squares for my next project.  

Enjoy the rest of your day!

Warmest Regards,



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