
Friday 7 June 2019

The Bridge Over Not So Troubled Waters, a Label and a Bounty of Beans!


My Day Off:

These past couple of weeks have been an absolute blur!  I told Papa Monday morning that I was not available.  I needed to go play.  He went his way - out to the garden, and I went mine - out to the studio.  We each enjoyed our moments of solitude. I didn't cook or wipe down anything or even do a load of laundry.  It was pure bliss!  I am by my own admission, an Energizer Bunny, but I also don't realize that I am tired, until I hit the proverbial wall.  You would think that after this many years on the planet that I would begin to recognize the symptoms, but nope, not yet!  Perhaps next year.

I was really happy to get this little Disappearing Four Patch quilted up and bound.  Another one done, made up from scraps and a neutral background.  I am very happy with it.  I even inserted ric rac into the binding to give it a bit of a zing and some texture.  And, of course, my signature Prairie Points are included on the quilt. 

Hidden 4 Patch made up from Bee Happy scraps

The Bridge:

This past winter Papa designed and built a beautiful wooden bridge to put over his pond.  He had it stained and the rope was hung between the posts.  We were at a retirement party this past Saturday night, when the hostess, our closest neighbour, suddenly announced that all available muscle would be needed to move the bridge from the workshop down to the pond area.  Nine strong and sturdy men volunteered and the bridge took a journey closer to its destination. 

On Sunday, our son came and helped his dad put it into place.  With the aid of the tractor, the two of them got it into its final destination.  I am happy to report that I absolutely LOVE the look.  The pond always lacked something for me and this absolutely finished it.  Now, to continue with the landscaping - which is an ongoing theme out here . . . .

The bridge in its final position

It took a team of strong men to get it next to the pond!

In Search of a Label:  

I had been looking for a label to sew into my finished products for some time.  I could make them on my embroidery machine, but figured it would be too time consuming and they would be made of fabric instead of the woven ribbon look I was wanting.  After searching for Canadian websites and contacting a couple local printers, I was without any success.  My search went to the US.  

I found the Dutch Label Shop out of Philadelphia, PA.  A long ways away for labels, but since they could do what I wanted, in a timely matter, and within my budget, I figured I would give them a try - one order anyways.  Well.  I would love to report, that if anyone is looking for a custom made label, to certainly give them a try.  I am very much pleased with the end result.  They are exactly what I was looking for!

Bounty of Beans!

While meal planning for a BBQ, I discovered that we were almost out of my pressure canned beans. This become the focus for last Friday.  I proceeded to put up 18 pint jars of Maple Bacon Beans and 18 assorted pint jars of Garbanzo, Kidney, Black Eyed and Romano beans.  Hopefully we should be good for the summer now. 

I am happy to share my recipe, but I do use the non-approved dry bean (as in un-soaked) method.  I prefer the texture of the finished product over the approved pre-soaked method.  If you choose to follow my recipe, please do your own research and decide if this is right for you.

Maple Bacon Beans:

Into each clean and warmed pint jar, add 1/2 cup of rinsed, dry navy beans

To this add 1 heaping tablespoon each of the following three ingredients: 
finely diced onion
peeled, chopped apple
cooked (or raw) bacon

Then add 2 tablespoons each of brown sugar and pure maple syrup to the jar

Top up the jar to 1" head space with boiling water and remove any bubbles with a chop stick

Pressure can for 75 minutes using the instructions for your own pressure canner

These beans are absolutely Amazing!

Maple Bacon Beans

All 36 jars of pressure canned beans
We are set for the summer now!
An Old Fashioned Angel Food Cake:

My eldest grand daughter came out to hang out with Gremlynn, while her Dad helped Papa move the bridge.  First, we wiped down, labelled and put away all the jars from my canning sessions on Friday and Saturday.  Then we set about to bake a cake for dessert for our Sunday dinner.  

Since I had a surplus of eggs - which is an odd occurrence around here.  I am usually sold out! - we decided on an Old Fashioned Angel Food Cake.  Missy separated all the yokes from the whites, while I prepared the rest of the ingredients.  

Holy Wow Batman!  I will Never buy another Betty Crocker Angel Food Cake Mix again!  I had never ever made one from scratch before, but figured it should be fairly simple, which it really was.  There is absolutely No comparison at all between the box mix and the scratch cake.  I really did not think it would be such a big deal since really all it is is dehydrated egg whites in one package and the flour and sugar mix in the other.  Apparently, I was mistaken.  Papa reported that it tasted exactly like the Angel Food Cake that his English Grandmother used to make when he was growing up.  I now know for certain that hers were always made from scratch.  He said it was travelling back in time!

The dozen egg whites whipped up like meringue
I had to put the shield on the bowl to keep it contained!

The finished product
Papa says it tastes just like what his Grandma used to make

Greenhouse and Garden Report:  

The greenhouse is doing very well.  We are enjoying our daily cucumber.  The tomatoes and peppers are growing and ripening beautifully.  Yay!  Summer food!  

Green peppers growing

Tomatoes ripening

Our daily cucumber ready to be picked
The garden will very much enjoy all the lovely rain that we have so graciously received these past 12 hours or so.  This has been our first significant rain of the year - the two 15 seconds sets of drips are not being counted as rain - we have had over an inch since early this morning.  It did turn to snow for a few hours and the temperature dropped to 0*C, but it is all moisture and we will take what we can get.  Everything should absolutely pop now!

Our cherry and apple trees have all blossomed.  As have the Saskatoon and Haskap bushes.  I hope the new bee hive inhabitants had a chance to do their jobs before the wicked wind blew all the blossoms away!  

Apple blossoms

Cherry blossoms

We have been enjoying the amazing lilac scent in the air this past week.  It is not often when we get all 4 bushes to bloom at the same time, but we are blessed with just that this year.  It is absolutely heavenly at the back of the house right now.  I was weeding in the lower, east raised flower beds and thoroughly enjoying the wonderful scent they make.  It is incredible!  

Mr Wilbur posing with the lilac bushes

The scents from these four bushes is absolutely divine!
Our Wind and Solar Dryer:

With the warm weather, I have been hanging out all the laundry lately.  I love my Wind and Solar dryer!  I used it every chance I can.  I just love the scent of freshly dried laundry.  It is wonderful.

The quintessential Prairie picture - Lilacs and Laundry!

Another freshly washed quilt, hanging out to dry!
I hope this finds you all well.  

Take care and keep warm all,


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