
Friday 31 May 2019

The Bees are Here! The Bees are Here!

Good Afternoon All!

It has bee(n) a very exciting few days here at No Regrets.  A couple of weeks ago, we were asked if we would consider bee-ing a Host Family for a Bee Hive.  We didn't even have to think about it.  Of course we would!  What do we have to do to get ready for you?  Where do you want to put it?

The couple who wanted to set up the hive needed to find a swarm/colony to relocate and would be in touch. Last week, they were successful in locating one and were even more fortunate to have a house guest visiting them, who just happens to be a Bee Keeper.  A day was planned and the bees arrived safe and sound, after dark, on Monday night.  The next morning was the set up and relocation of the hive.  The bees are happily settled in to their new home, just in time for all our fruit trees to blossom.  We are so excited to have them here.  Hopefully they are the beginnings of several more hives to come.

Moving the bee colony and their hive to their new home

Inspecting the frames

Looking for the Queen

Pollen on the frame

All done!

And one of the little guys was already hard at work later that evening!
Go Bees Go!

One of the hive owner's came back two days later to do an inspection and health check.  He reports that they are doing very well.  Things are definitely as they should be.  All is well in their little world.  We will keep you updated as the summer rolls along.

The Tulips we planted last autumn are Absolutely Stunning!  It was certainly worth the wait!

Many of the Spring perennials are finally beginning to put on a show.  The yard is coming back to life.  We are absolutely enjoying walking around to see how everything is doing.

Bleeding Hearts in full bloom

The Humming birds finally arrived a couple of days ago.  It is funny how some years they come back at the beginning of May - around Mother's Day and other years not until after the Long weekend.  I am ready for them early May and always happy to see them return.  This red feeder is always the favorite.  We have it set up where we can see it from the living room couch.  Another favorite is in the gazebo in the back yard.  We spied a hummer at that feeder while we were having our lunch today.  Always a bonus!

The Hummingbirds are back for the season
It has been so lovely in the evenings that Papa and I have been having a quiet visit on the front deck after supper.  We can hear the waterfalls in the pond and watch the steers playing about in the lower pasture.  There have even been a few dragon flies buzzing about.  He makes us a Raspberry Wine Spritzer to enjoy as we finish off our day.  It doesn't get much better.

A cool beverage on a warm evening
The other day Papa found an egg without its shell in a nesting box.  Every now and again we get some egg anomaly that we didn't know even ever happened.  This one not only came without a shell, just the membrane, it also was yoke-less.  Weird, Indeed!

A shell-less, yoke-less egg!
I finished a small version of the *Simply Charming quilt the other day.  I decided to quilt it on the domestic sewing machine instead of loading it onto the long arm.  It was a very relaxing endeavour.  Sometimes simple is best, and in this case, I really feel the simple linear quilting suited this cute little quilt.  Got it bound and it's ready to go!

*Simply Charming quilted, bound and ready to go!

While out and about weeding these past couple of weeks, I have noticed more and more Wild Strawberry plants in different locations.  I don't know where they have come from or how they got there, but they appear to be thriving.  A bonus, indeed!

Wild Strawberries in our pasture
Our thoughts and prayers are with those in Northern Alberta as they battle yet another devastating wildfire.  These fires have become an unwelcome and far too common occurrence any more.  Hopefully some much needed rain comes sooner than later.

Until next time, be safe and hold your loved ones a little closer.

Warmest regards,


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