
Friday 19 April 2019

When the Hot Wire Goes up . . .

Good Day!

And what a fine and lovely day it is!  The pussy willows are in full pop.  Tulips are starting to poke thru the ground.  Herbs are beginning to come back.  Tree leaf buds are beginning to swell.  The rooster is singing loudly that life is good.  The chickens are chasing bugs.  Blue Birds and Robins have been heard and sighted. The snow is gone and the mud puddles have all dried up.  The greenhouse is doing well. All is right in our little corner of the world.

Lilac Leaf Bulbs Swelling

Tulips Poking Thru

Papa's Workshop:

Since Papa has been home . . . he is on a leave of absence while waiting for back surgery that was supposed to happen in February, but may not happen until this fall now, but I digress . . .

Since Papa has been home . . . he is thoroughly enjoying his time in his workshop.  He made wooden eggs for our Little's to paint a couple of Sunday's ago, during our Meet the Chicks Party.  Our Daughter-in-Law was so impressed with them, that she asked her day care community if they would be interested in purchasing similar wooden items for their little's to paint for other holidays as a Day Care Craft?  Their response was resounding!  He is currently cutting out flower and tulip shapes for Mother's Day.  When completed, they can be used as a row marker in the garden, a plant poke or a decoration in a flower pot full of sand.  He is thinking of a Father's Day design as well now.  The project is perfect for him as he can sit on a perch as he cuts out and sands the shapes.

Flowers and Tulips ready for delivery

Wooden Easter Eggs made by Papa and Expertly Painted by our Band of Little's!

He is finishing up the Egg Skelters and I will be contacting those who ordered one. These will be available for pick up beginning this Easter Saturday weekend.  He will have more available to purchase when the Tin Chicken Antique Mall and Mercantile opens later this year, or by request.

Egg Skelters are ready to finish and available for purchase

Greenhouse and Gardening Update:

We began our Spring yard cleanup last week.  We took a good run at the Green Ash and the back orchard.  Many of these trees hadn't been pruned ever since planting, and others were in need a bit of a tidy up.  Papa clipped, trimmed and sawed.  I sprayed the tar spray and hauled the branches away to the burn pile.  Things look very much better now.  We even salvaged a few of the larger branches to dry and cure as they were of a good size to put to use.  The heartwood looks amazing!  I am suspecting future projects from these lovely cuts of wood. 

Next, we will tackle the remaining Green Ash and the front fruit orchard.  All 350 of them.  But, it will be spread over several days, for both our sake's! 

I kept back a few Green Ash, Cherry and Apple tree branches to leaf out (and hopefully flower) for my Easter weekend arrangement.

Green Ash, Apple and Cherry branches which will hopefully leaf out and flower in my kitchen 

The greenhouse is doing wonderfully.  He made up deck pots for our kids yesterday.  These include a tomato and green pepper plant.  Kind of a "Salsa in a Pot" mix.  The greenhouse is getting full!  It is so lovely out there.  I have already given the tomatoes their first pruning of the season.  I was actively looking for any hint of flowers yesterday, but nothing yet.  His Grape rootings are looking amazing.  One of his next projects will be the wood and wire frames for his grape vines to climb after we get them planted outside in their permanent home.  

Tomato Plants after their first pruning

Grape starts doing well!

Greenhouse plantings.  From left:  Long English Cucumbers, Assorted Peppers, Salsa in a Pot, Assorted Tomatoes

Pasture Pondering:

When the Hot Wire goes up, the steers aren't far behind.  With Papa on his tractor and a wagon containing an electric fencing wire spool, and me in behind attaching the wire, we checked the fencing in the lower pasture for any needed repairs.  We are ready for this year's steers.  

When the Hot Wire goes up, the steers aren't far behind

Every spring we order 3 (or more) steers that we grain finish for fall harvest.  After several years of experiencing different breeds and their temperaments, we have finally settled on Herefords.  They are quite an agreeable animal, both personality wise and their beautiful meat.  

Right from our very first herd, we have always named the individual animals.  They are almost like 4-H calves at No Regrets Ranch.  In fact, every year, they all come from local farmers/ranchers within our community and get to enjoy all things wonderful any steer would dream of.  This includes all the fresh water they can drink, all the pasture to eat and frolic in and a daily grain and mineral supplement ration in their food trough.  Life is good if you become one of our steers.

Some names we have used in the past have been cuts of beef:  Sir Loin, Prime Rib and The Brisket Brothers.  One year our neighbor named them after musicians:  Glen Campbell, Rod Stewart, Black Elvis.  We have had Larry, Darryl and the other brother Darryl, after a 1980's television program.  Then there was The Three Amigos:  Dusty Bottoms, Lucky Day and Ned Nederlander.  Last year's were Snap, Crackle and Pop.  We asked our grandson to name them this year after Super Heroes for us.  He chose:  Super Steer, Iron Moo and Spider Cow.  He will assign the individual animals their monikers after we get them.  
Our last years's Boys of Summer 2018 off to explore their new home

Snap, Crackle and Pop.  The Boys of Summer 2018
Chicken Update:

This years chicks are doing well.  Still all present and accounted for.  They are getting their Big Bird feathers now, but have yet to enter the Awkward Teenage stage.  They are quite a relaxed and quiet group.  Papa still has to finish with their new home renovations, but he has a week or so yet before we have to move them. 

We don't mix our poultry batches.  It keeps the pecking order at status quo and we feel it is less stressful on the birds if they stay with their hatch mates.  The term Hen Pecked is very much a reality in the chicken coop!

Big Bird Feathers coming in

They are just over 2 weeks old here.  They are growing fast!
Our current Layers are having a good stalling out right now.  We have come to expect 10-12 eggs per day from this flock.  Lately we are lucky to get 6-7.  Makes for challenging egg sales, but those who purchase farm fresh eggs know that there are ebbs and tides with the Butt Nugget Production Factories.  This should hopefully, soon run its course, as it has in the past.  The new replacement chicks should start laying by this fall and everything should become consistent again.  Perhaps.

Studio News:

With being in the yard and other spring time chores, I am experiencing Studio Withdrawal!  Yikes! I have been crocheting in the evenings, just so I can say that I am doing something textile related.  I am pretty much done with Winter Brain and the need to make Large quilts for this season.  Smaller, quick to finish projects are on the mind, but for now, I will satisfy myself with yarn and perhaps English Paper Piecing when I get tired of the crochet hook.  

A Spring Poncho for the littlest of our Little's

All in all, we are enjoying the time outside and this lovely spring weather.  

We got out to Vote in our provincial election.  Hopefully with the new government, we can put all this political noise to rest and focus again on more interesting matters:  Tomatoes and Tulips! 

Happy Easter and do something that brings you joy.  Enjoy your weekend. 

Warmest Regards,


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