
Friday 5 April 2019

The Fluffy Butts and An Egg Skelter

Good Afternoon:

Weather Report:

It is difficult to concentrate when the weather is so fabulous! It is so wonderful to be out and about - wearing a light jacket and shoes again!  I almost complained that I had to wear a hat, to keep the sun out of my eyes, if you can even imagine?!

Papa's Workshop:

Since Papa has been home, we have been teasing Wilbur by asking him if he wants to head out to Papa's Workshop or Gramma's Studio?  I have been royally ditched!  I can't even believe it!  I would like to think that he might entertain, even if only for a second, that he would prefer to come with me.  But, who am I kidding?  Gramma Stuff is Classical Music, a sewing machine and he has a nap at my feet.  Papa's adventures include Chicken poop, romping around the yard, chasing the cat, peeing on trees, working in the workshop (which might include sneaking a piece of wood to carry around or licking up sawdust) and generally "Man Stuff".  I guess I am now playing second fiddle - that is, until it is time to eat something! I am happy the two of them do so enjoy each other's company.

Wilbur in hot pursuit of Papa so he can help him do "Man Stuff"
Papa also had a wood working project for me.  I saw the cutest egg Skelter on a Chicken Page last week.  I just had to have one, so I printed off a picture for Papa to make me one.  Well, apparently, a pattern, when you are designing something that sends raw eggs careening down a wooden ramp, with switch back drops, might be a good thing?  What do I know?  He is such a patient man.  After 6 hours of drafting, designing, re-tooling, re-grooving, re-building drops, correcting angles and cracking a few eggs along the way, he came up with this:

Decorative Egg Skelter . . .

. . . And, it actually works!  
It is So Cute!  And it actually works.  If anyone is interested in purchasing a Ready To Finish Egg Skelter for yourself, please message me for more information.

Pond Thaw Progress:

Papa and I took a stroll around the property today, to survey the winter damage and contemplate spring activities.  The Pond is thawing - no sign of any fish yet, which is a good thing considering our entire stock were floating belly up last spring!  Our amazing daughter and grandbuddy picked up new fish for us last summer, to replace last year's terrible find.  Hopefully these ones made it through the winter okay.  Time will tell, but so far, so good!

The pond is beginning to thaw.  No sign of any fish yet. 

Wilbur Update:

We still have quite a bit of snow along the fence line and on the north side of any structure.  Good news for Wilbur has he still has snow and ice to munch on - not so good news for us as his feet are quite wet when he comes in.

We took himself for a bath this morning after a good brushing first.  We just love Pet Valu!  For $10, they supply a tub large enough for our boy (it's huge!), the water, shampoo, aprons, towels (we use lots), facecloth, blow dryer and a treat for good behaviour!  He is a bit spoiled though and won't eat their treats any more, so we bring some from home.  I bake him pumpkin cookies and dehydrate apples and pumpkin slices for his treats.

We then took him by the vet's office for a weigh in.  They only ever get to see him before his bath, so we thought they might appreciate a nice smelling pup for a change.  Our little buddy weighed in at 134 lbs.  He is not so little any more.

Fluffy Butts!

Papa went to town to pick up our latest Ranch additions yesterday.  32 Barred Plymouth Rock Fluffy Butt Chicks joined the funny farm yesterday morning.  They are some Cute!  Wilbur is pretty excited to have new babies to look after.  When these mature, they hens will replace our laying stock and the roosters, except for one, will be harvested.  We are having the Little's out in a few days for a Meet the Chicks party. The babies will only stay little for a very short time.  We love to share this simple joy with our Grandbuddies.   

Baby Chicks coming to their new home.

Wilbur surveying his newest charges.  He is such a great protector.

Studio Update:

I got the quilt top finished and loaded onto the long arm the other day.  This was the Super Fun Fabric Stash Score that I discovered a couple of weeks ago.  I found a pattern that allowed me to showcase the fabric in 2 1/2" strips so you can still see the prints.  I wanted something fun and fairly quick to do.  After auditioning four background fabrics, I decided on the darkest pink choice.  I had contemplated adding sashings, but it just didn't suit the design.  I did add a dark pink zinger to the outer border [also not in the design], to grow it a bit and to tie in the dark pink center blocks.  I am happy with the end result.  

I am stepping outside my comfort zone to quilt it though.  Lots of Starts and Stops and tying ends and burying threads.  I usually do an All Over design, so this is a very different process for me.  You need to try new things, right?  

Quilt top Finished with pink background fabric.  The outer border is my own design.

Pattern is called Fireworks, by Kate Henderson found on page 83
Greenhouse Report:

With the weather being so agreeable, Papa also began moving plants out to the greenhouse and got it started up this week.  He reports that the lettuce and spinach that he planted as a spring crop have sprouted.  Grow, Baby, Grow!  His Grape Vines have really taken off and the Cucs, Toms and Peppers are in their permanent home for the season.  I am giddy in anticipation!

Grape cutting starts in the bottom tray.  Yay!

Bedding Plants, Greenhouse Cucumbers, Tomatoes and Peppers all in their home for the season.  Yay!

I think that is about all for this week.  It has been wonderful hanging the clothes out to dry, playing with the baby chicks and going for walks.  It doesn't get much better!

Until next time!


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