
Friday 12 April 2019

Chicken Party and The Pink Quilt

Greetings Friends:

Weather Report:

It has been very much spring weather here in Central Alberta.  We have had some snow showers and some rain showers, which is pretty much normal for us.  We have even had snow showers during a rain shower.  Things are really beginning to freshen up again.  No leaves yet, but there is pussy willows in the wet areas.  There is still some snow piles in the ditches and on the north side of a few buildings, but all in all, most of the muck has dried up and we have been puttering in the yard. 

Garden and Greenhouse Report:

Papa gets garden fever as soon as the snow begins to melt.  He has been inspecting his flower beds and is cleaning them out already.  I have been emptying the wheel barrows for him as he only has so many steps he can take in the day.  It is lovely to be outside again and feel the warmth of the sun on our faces.

Papa reported to me yesterday that the tomatoes already need pruning.  Since he planted them out in the greenhouse, they have doubled in size!  He also planted me some spinach and lettuce and reports that they are all up - but apparently I can't harvest them yet at the one-two leaf stage.  Funny Guy!

We keep tomatoes, long English cucumbers and assorted peppers in the greenhouse for the growing season.  It protects them from frost, wind and hail damage.

Chick Update:

The baby chickens are thriving.  They had their Meet and Greet with our Little's and their Parental Supervisory Units last Sunday afternoon.  The kids had a great time holding the babies. 

The chicks sure don't stay little for very long, though.  Already their feathers are coming in on their wings.  They will soon be at the awkward juvenile stage.  But we will enjoy their cuteness for now. 

Wing feathers already coming in.
So much to take in, whether you are 2 or 12!

After the Chick Meet and Greet, we painted wooden eggs that Papa made for everyone to paint.  Then we decorated flower shaped sugar cookies.  After all the activities, we had a Hamburger BBQ before everyone went their separate ways.  It was a wonderful day.  We always love it when everyone comes for a visit! 

We'll get to see them all again on Easter Sunday when we'll have our Easter Egg Hunt, set up the trampoline for the season and enjoy a family dinner.  I love it that our kids and grand buddies live close by and we can see them as often as we do.  We are so very blessed.

Some of the wooden Eggs painted up by the resident artists.

Cookie Decorating is pretty serious business!
The Littlest Cookie Decorator was more interesting in testing Gramma's Cookie Recipe than anything else!  Ha ha ha!
Master Cookie Decorator hard at work!
Studio News:

Now that this quilt has gone to it's forever home, I can share it with everyone.  I am in the process of making quilts for all the special people in my life, as I become inspired to make them.  Each quilt must speak to the recipient in a way that they will hopefully feel I have captured their very essence, their true self.  

This one is for MM, our honorary daughter-in-law, by marriage, once removed.  We even kept her after the divorce!  

I have been wanting to do a quilt for MM for years, but didn't know what it should look like.  It wasn't until her daughter, Little M, was over sewing one day, that she pointed to a Pink, Black, and White sample quilt I have on the wall in the studio.  She commented how much her mother would love that quilt.  I then asked her if it was the color or the style that her mom would love?  She stated quite matter of factly that it is the colors.  I didn't want to give her the one hanging in the studio as it is more of a show piece, than a bed or cuddle quilt.  I immediately went to work designing this woven version, using the same color palette and making it more to MM's clean-lined style.   

When MM saw the quilt on the guest room bed, she gasped.  She picked up the lower right corner to turn it over to see what was on the back, only to discover the label, indicating that it was made for her.  It took her a moment to register this fact, and her smile got even bigger.  I think she likes it.  That is always the reaction you hope for.     

Quilt for MM, in her favorite colors.

I am currently quilting the feminine Stash Score quilt.  I have discovered that I am more of an edge to edge, free motion quilter, than a detail focused custom quilter.  I attempted to do this one with individual motifs in each block, only to discover that I really don't enjoy this process.  Not even slightly.  Too many stops and starts.  Too much tying off.  Too much having to stay totally focused and within a confined area.

So many long arm quilters do such fabulous custom work.  I have discovered that I won't ever become one of them.  

I absolutely LOVE the piecing of the top, and I can even say that I love putting the binding on, but the actual quilting machine quilting, meh.  I won't say that I will totally give up on it.  I can see eventually attempting more rulers and custom work, but today, it really doesn't bring me joy to do it.  But hand quilting a quilt - now that's another story! 

I love to see custom machine quilting on quilts and I really study the thread dancing on the fabric.  It truly amazes me to see the fine attention to detail and the complete precision and fluidity necessary to do this kind of work.  I already know that I don't have the desire to commit to the time commitment and the patience to master this skill.  And, I am actually very much okay with that. 

Sew, I will continue to do the all over free motion, edge to edge quilting that I have become comfortable doing on my long arm sewing machine.  It works.  It gets the job done.  And I am happier to move onto the next project. 

I gave upon the custom flowers in the rail fence blocks and went back to what I like to do, edge to edge free motion quilting!  That's what makes me happy.

My friend J and I took in the Red Deer Quilt show last week.  The members of the Central Alberta Quilt Guild really know how to put together a show.  I don't think I have ever walked away from any of their quilt shows, wishing I hadn't gone.  The quilts are incredibly stunning, they bring in fabulous vendors and there are awesome door prizes.  Every year I am blown away that the current year's show was even better than the previous year before. Just when you don't think it could be any better, they step it up and surprise you.  Congratulations on another fabulous show again this year.

It is supposed to be nice again for the weekend.  I feel like there will be some more spring yard clean up after our weekly coffee date tomorrow morning.

Oh!  And don't forget to Vote! 

Until next time, have a wonderful weekend and do what brings you joy.

Warmest Regards,


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