
Friday 26 April 2019

April Showers, Ants and Lemons!

Greetings All:

Weather Report:

They say that April Showers bring May Flowers.  Well.  Apparently the Nature Goddess who oversees Alberta's weather has missed the memo this year thus far!  It has been sunny and warm though.  Such a lovely reprieve!

Several of our spring bulbs are poking through including the crocuses, tulips and a few daffodils.  We have been working out in the garden and around the yard in the mornings, enjoying the sunshine, but by noon, the wind picks up and makes for some blustery climes.  The only amount of any precipitation so far has been some wet snow on Wednesday.  The forecast is for -8c over night and a snow storm on Friday night to late Saturday.  Quebec and the Maritimes are flooding and we are gasping dry.  Go figure?  Our hope is that we do get the big dump of snow as it stays put for a bit and actually adds some moisture to our parched landscape.  We even found some Spike Moss in the pasture while trimming the rest of the Green Ash trees the other day.  A true indicator of how dry we are.  April Showers/Flurries would be very welcomed here!

Crocuses announcing Spring!

Tulips starting to poke up

The Spike Moss aka Selaginella densa, a sure indicator of drought conditions
Greenhouse and Garden Update:

We have been working around the yard when the gale force winds haven't shut down our mission for the day.  All the trees are pruned now - and I am taking pruning course at the beginning of May, go figure?  It sprinkled a bit and the wind picked up on our last pruning day, but we are done!

We also got the raspberry patch cleaned out.  I missed it last year because we went from winter to summer within a week and I missed my window of opportunity to get it done without interference of the creepy nature.  Once the ants start moving around back there, I am done!  I become a buffet for them.  Literally!  Those little suckers hurt!  

One year while picking the berries, I kept getting a stinging sensation on my legs.  I didn't think too much of it until I got the same stinging sensation on my arm and flicked off an ant.  Well!  The light bulb went on and the pants came down!  I was crawling with the little beggars!  That took care of the raspberry picking that day.  I ended with 29 incredibly itchy and very painful ant bites on my legs!  It was pure torture.  No amount of antihistamines, vinegar swabbing, Bactine spraying, baking soda pasting, or itch relief cream helped.  

I discovered, entirely by accident, that the only real relief I got was when I first got into the shower and the water was too hot.  It stung a bit, but the itching stopped, if only for a while.  After that, I tried extremely hot compresses and low and behold, the itching stopped again.  Temporary relief is better than no relief.  After that, when a spot would flare up, I would hit it with the back side of a spoon run under scalding, hot water.  The burning of the spoon was temporary, but the itch relief lasted for several hours!  When I googled this oddity, it is actually the right thing to do.  Who knew?  

So now when I venture back to the raspberry patch, I am wearing heavy jeans, with two pairs of socks - one under the jeans, one pulled over top the jeans and lace up boots.  Bug spray doesn't even deter them.  The are vicious and very determined to take a chunk out of me!  They still crawl up the jeans, but can't bite through.  And the really funny thing is, they hardly ever bother Papa.  Go figure?  But then again, I can't leave the sidewalk in the summer or sand fleas attack my legs.  It's brutal!  And random wasps, hornets and mosquitoes go out of their way to find me for a quick snack.  Bugs don't bother some people.  And then there's me!

The good news is that 2 years of overgrowth of spent canes and grass have been removed from the raspberry patch. This, as well as 2 inches of compost has been added.  A good job, done!

The raspberry patch has had the old canes removed and we just need to remove the grass and add compost and it will be
ready for another growing season.
The Greenhouse is doing very well.  Apparently we had a few visitors in it though.  Papa noticed that the Leeks looked a little shorter one morning.  The next morning, they were sheared off to the top of the soil and some tell tale pellets were found in the vicinity.  A mouse trap baited with peanut butter netted a two mouse catch the first night and a single mouse the next.  He will keep the trap out there just in case they had friends over.  We don't let the cats into the greenhouse as they think all the lovely, fresh soil would be too tempting to pass up!  This and we don't need a wild chase in there with all those plants.  Hopefully all who entered, have now been removed!

Tomato plants getting ready to bloom

Cucumbers growing


We bought a bag of lemons at Costco a few days before Easter.  Suddenly our Easter meal took on a Lemon theme.  For the main course, we stuffed lemon halves into the 2 chickens that we put on the rotisserie.  The lemons inside the trussed up chickens help to hold them tight onto the post so they actually rotate on the rotisserie.  Then we added the juice of a lemon to my homemade BBQ sauce as a basting sauce.  The back yard smelled divine!  We were all drooling whenever we walked past BBQ area.  And it was absolutely delicious!

The second Lemon item was the Lemon Pound Cake with Lemon Drizzle for dessert.  I even found some violets in the garden and sugared them for decoration with the lemon peels.  So pretty and very good as well.  We were two for two!

Lemon Pound Cake with Lemon Drizzle and Lemon Curls and Sugared Violets on top

I still had half a bag of Lemons left that I really didn't want to spoil.  Papa can only use so many in his homemade iced tea.  I had remembered that I had seen a You Tuber dehydrate lemons to make lemon powder.  Why couldn't I dehydrate these lemons to make a Lemon Peppercorn blend?  We love lemon pepper but it can be difficult to find and is rather expensive when you do.  It is also ground up, so it doesn't stay fresh for very long.  If it doesn't work, I am out 7 lemons.

Lemons scrubbed and thinly sliced to fill all 5 trays of the dehydrator

12 hours later they are snap crisp

Lemons broken up and put thru the food processor.  I am mixing them with peppercorns so I do want the larger chunks.  I think my experiment is going to work very well!
We kept checking on the dehydration progress.  About 12 hours later, they are shatter crisp.  Not an speck of moisture is left in them.  And do they smell amazing!  I removed them from the trays and put them onto a baking sheet where I broke them up to put thru my mini food processor. The end result is bits of lemon rind and lots of powdery crystals.  And the smell is heavenly!  I will leave this sit in a jar for a few days to see if any residual moisture shows up.  If not, then I will make up a blend of the powder and peppercorns, to be ground as needed.  I am so excited about this!  It doesn't take much to amuse me, eh?  

Studio News:

I still haven't had much time out here in the studio.  There is definitely more to do than there are hours in the day this time of year.  In preparation for the stall we are going to be renting in the Antique & Mercantile Mall, I am wanting to make vintage items to follow the theme.  I made some clothes pin bags when I first opened the studio almost 3 years ago.  There had been a lot of interest in them, but I never considered making any more.  Perhaps now is a good time?  I made up a couple and will make up a few more.  They are my own pattern and I think they are pretty darn cute.  Papa will be making vintage style hangers for them, so they are not finished yet.  This is what I have so far.  

Vintage Style Clothes Pin Bags
Coop and Pasture Update:

The chicks have been moved to their new brooder pen.  They are doing well.  They are actively growing as we speak!  It seems that this heritage breed doesn't really go thru the awkward transition phase between chick and full grown chicken like our previous hybrid chickens have.  These guys and gals are actually still pretty cute!
Chicks in their new brooder area and feathering out
The three steers have all settled in nicely.  This is a nice quiet bunch.  They aren't spooky and are very calm when you approach them.  They obviously came from a gentle environment with lots of human interaction.  It makes our time with them a lot easier when they aren't jumpy and skittish.  They are nosy and very friendly.  A lovely bonus, indeed!

Our Three Boys enjoying supper.  

Papa got his fertilizer for our trees yesterday.  We spent this morning mixing and applying it in anticipation of the 6-8" of snow in the forecast.  We don't tend to fertilize our trees, but they were heat stressed last summer and had a rough winter this year, we thought we would perhaps give them a bit of a boost.  Our Spruce trees are particularly stressed looking.  At this point, we figured it wouldn't do them any more harm than what they have already gone through.

Until next time, hold your little ones a little closer and take the time to tell those whom mean much to you how much you love and appreciate having them in your life.  Life is precious and often too short.  Don't take any days on this planet for granted.  You only get your own allotment, without any guarantees.  

Take Care,


Friday 19 April 2019

When the Hot Wire Goes up . . .

Good Day!

And what a fine and lovely day it is!  The pussy willows are in full pop.  Tulips are starting to poke thru the ground.  Herbs are beginning to come back.  Tree leaf buds are beginning to swell.  The rooster is singing loudly that life is good.  The chickens are chasing bugs.  Blue Birds and Robins have been heard and sighted. The snow is gone and the mud puddles have all dried up.  The greenhouse is doing well. All is right in our little corner of the world.

Lilac Leaf Bulbs Swelling

Tulips Poking Thru

Papa's Workshop:

Since Papa has been home . . . he is on a leave of absence while waiting for back surgery that was supposed to happen in February, but may not happen until this fall now, but I digress . . .

Since Papa has been home . . . he is thoroughly enjoying his time in his workshop.  He made wooden eggs for our Little's to paint a couple of Sunday's ago, during our Meet the Chicks Party.  Our Daughter-in-Law was so impressed with them, that she asked her day care community if they would be interested in purchasing similar wooden items for their little's to paint for other holidays as a Day Care Craft?  Their response was resounding!  He is currently cutting out flower and tulip shapes for Mother's Day.  When completed, they can be used as a row marker in the garden, a plant poke or a decoration in a flower pot full of sand.  He is thinking of a Father's Day design as well now.  The project is perfect for him as he can sit on a perch as he cuts out and sands the shapes.

Flowers and Tulips ready for delivery

Wooden Easter Eggs made by Papa and Expertly Painted by our Band of Little's!

He is finishing up the Egg Skelters and I will be contacting those who ordered one. These will be available for pick up beginning this Easter Saturday weekend.  He will have more available to purchase when the Tin Chicken Antique Mall and Mercantile opens later this year, or by request.

Egg Skelters are ready to finish and available for purchase

Greenhouse and Gardening Update:

We began our Spring yard cleanup last week.  We took a good run at the Green Ash and the back orchard.  Many of these trees hadn't been pruned ever since planting, and others were in need a bit of a tidy up.  Papa clipped, trimmed and sawed.  I sprayed the tar spray and hauled the branches away to the burn pile.  Things look very much better now.  We even salvaged a few of the larger branches to dry and cure as they were of a good size to put to use.  The heartwood looks amazing!  I am suspecting future projects from these lovely cuts of wood. 

Next, we will tackle the remaining Green Ash and the front fruit orchard.  All 350 of them.  But, it will be spread over several days, for both our sake's! 

I kept back a few Green Ash, Cherry and Apple tree branches to leaf out (and hopefully flower) for my Easter weekend arrangement.

Green Ash, Apple and Cherry branches which will hopefully leaf out and flower in my kitchen 

The greenhouse is doing wonderfully.  He made up deck pots for our kids yesterday.  These include a tomato and green pepper plant.  Kind of a "Salsa in a Pot" mix.  The greenhouse is getting full!  It is so lovely out there.  I have already given the tomatoes their first pruning of the season.  I was actively looking for any hint of flowers yesterday, but nothing yet.  His Grape rootings are looking amazing.  One of his next projects will be the wood and wire frames for his grape vines to climb after we get them planted outside in their permanent home.  

Tomato Plants after their first pruning

Grape starts doing well!

Greenhouse plantings.  From left:  Long English Cucumbers, Assorted Peppers, Salsa in a Pot, Assorted Tomatoes

Pasture Pondering:

When the Hot Wire goes up, the steers aren't far behind.  With Papa on his tractor and a wagon containing an electric fencing wire spool, and me in behind attaching the wire, we checked the fencing in the lower pasture for any needed repairs.  We are ready for this year's steers.  

When the Hot Wire goes up, the steers aren't far behind

Every spring we order 3 (or more) steers that we grain finish for fall harvest.  After several years of experiencing different breeds and their temperaments, we have finally settled on Herefords.  They are quite an agreeable animal, both personality wise and their beautiful meat.  

Right from our very first herd, we have always named the individual animals.  They are almost like 4-H calves at No Regrets Ranch.  In fact, every year, they all come from local farmers/ranchers within our community and get to enjoy all things wonderful any steer would dream of.  This includes all the fresh water they can drink, all the pasture to eat and frolic in and a daily grain and mineral supplement ration in their food trough.  Life is good if you become one of our steers.

Some names we have used in the past have been cuts of beef:  Sir Loin, Prime Rib and The Brisket Brothers.  One year our neighbor named them after musicians:  Glen Campbell, Rod Stewart, Black Elvis.  We have had Larry, Darryl and the other brother Darryl, after a 1980's television program.  Then there was The Three Amigos:  Dusty Bottoms, Lucky Day and Ned Nederlander.  Last year's were Snap, Crackle and Pop.  We asked our grandson to name them this year after Super Heroes for us.  He chose:  Super Steer, Iron Moo and Spider Cow.  He will assign the individual animals their monikers after we get them.  
Our last years's Boys of Summer 2018 off to explore their new home

Snap, Crackle and Pop.  The Boys of Summer 2018
Chicken Update:

This years chicks are doing well.  Still all present and accounted for.  They are getting their Big Bird feathers now, but have yet to enter the Awkward Teenage stage.  They are quite a relaxed and quiet group.  Papa still has to finish with their new home renovations, but he has a week or so yet before we have to move them. 

We don't mix our poultry batches.  It keeps the pecking order at status quo and we feel it is less stressful on the birds if they stay with their hatch mates.  The term Hen Pecked is very much a reality in the chicken coop!

Big Bird Feathers coming in

They are just over 2 weeks old here.  They are growing fast!
Our current Layers are having a good stalling out right now.  We have come to expect 10-12 eggs per day from this flock.  Lately we are lucky to get 6-7.  Makes for challenging egg sales, but those who purchase farm fresh eggs know that there are ebbs and tides with the Butt Nugget Production Factories.  This should hopefully, soon run its course, as it has in the past.  The new replacement chicks should start laying by this fall and everything should become consistent again.  Perhaps.

Studio News:

With being in the yard and other spring time chores, I am experiencing Studio Withdrawal!  Yikes! I have been crocheting in the evenings, just so I can say that I am doing something textile related.  I am pretty much done with Winter Brain and the need to make Large quilts for this season.  Smaller, quick to finish projects are on the mind, but for now, I will satisfy myself with yarn and perhaps English Paper Piecing when I get tired of the crochet hook.  

A Spring Poncho for the littlest of our Little's

All in all, we are enjoying the time outside and this lovely spring weather.  

We got out to Vote in our provincial election.  Hopefully with the new government, we can put all this political noise to rest and focus again on more interesting matters:  Tomatoes and Tulips! 

Happy Easter and do something that brings you joy.  Enjoy your weekend. 

Warmest Regards,


Friday 12 April 2019

Chicken Party and The Pink Quilt

Greetings Friends:

Weather Report:

It has been very much spring weather here in Central Alberta.  We have had some snow showers and some rain showers, which is pretty much normal for us.  We have even had snow showers during a rain shower.  Things are really beginning to freshen up again.  No leaves yet, but there is pussy willows in the wet areas.  There is still some snow piles in the ditches and on the north side of a few buildings, but all in all, most of the muck has dried up and we have been puttering in the yard. 

Garden and Greenhouse Report:

Papa gets garden fever as soon as the snow begins to melt.  He has been inspecting his flower beds and is cleaning them out already.  I have been emptying the wheel barrows for him as he only has so many steps he can take in the day.  It is lovely to be outside again and feel the warmth of the sun on our faces.

Papa reported to me yesterday that the tomatoes already need pruning.  Since he planted them out in the greenhouse, they have doubled in size!  He also planted me some spinach and lettuce and reports that they are all up - but apparently I can't harvest them yet at the one-two leaf stage.  Funny Guy!

We keep tomatoes, long English cucumbers and assorted peppers in the greenhouse for the growing season.  It protects them from frost, wind and hail damage.

Chick Update:

The baby chickens are thriving.  They had their Meet and Greet with our Little's and their Parental Supervisory Units last Sunday afternoon.  The kids had a great time holding the babies. 

The chicks sure don't stay little for very long, though.  Already their feathers are coming in on their wings.  They will soon be at the awkward juvenile stage.  But we will enjoy their cuteness for now. 

Wing feathers already coming in.
So much to take in, whether you are 2 or 12!

After the Chick Meet and Greet, we painted wooden eggs that Papa made for everyone to paint.  Then we decorated flower shaped sugar cookies.  After all the activities, we had a Hamburger BBQ before everyone went their separate ways.  It was a wonderful day.  We always love it when everyone comes for a visit! 

We'll get to see them all again on Easter Sunday when we'll have our Easter Egg Hunt, set up the trampoline for the season and enjoy a family dinner.  I love it that our kids and grand buddies live close by and we can see them as often as we do.  We are so very blessed.

Some of the wooden Eggs painted up by the resident artists.

Cookie Decorating is pretty serious business!
The Littlest Cookie Decorator was more interesting in testing Gramma's Cookie Recipe than anything else!  Ha ha ha!
Master Cookie Decorator hard at work!
Studio News:

Now that this quilt has gone to it's forever home, I can share it with everyone.  I am in the process of making quilts for all the special people in my life, as I become inspired to make them.  Each quilt must speak to the recipient in a way that they will hopefully feel I have captured their very essence, their true self.  

This one is for MM, our honorary daughter-in-law, by marriage, once removed.  We even kept her after the divorce!  

I have been wanting to do a quilt for MM for years, but didn't know what it should look like.  It wasn't until her daughter, Little M, was over sewing one day, that she pointed to a Pink, Black, and White sample quilt I have on the wall in the studio.  She commented how much her mother would love that quilt.  I then asked her if it was the color or the style that her mom would love?  She stated quite matter of factly that it is the colors.  I didn't want to give her the one hanging in the studio as it is more of a show piece, than a bed or cuddle quilt.  I immediately went to work designing this woven version, using the same color palette and making it more to MM's clean-lined style.   

When MM saw the quilt on the guest room bed, she gasped.  She picked up the lower right corner to turn it over to see what was on the back, only to discover the label, indicating that it was made for her.  It took her a moment to register this fact, and her smile got even bigger.  I think she likes it.  That is always the reaction you hope for.     

Quilt for MM, in her favorite colors.

I am currently quilting the feminine Stash Score quilt.  I have discovered that I am more of an edge to edge, free motion quilter, than a detail focused custom quilter.  I attempted to do this one with individual motifs in each block, only to discover that I really don't enjoy this process.  Not even slightly.  Too many stops and starts.  Too much tying off.  Too much having to stay totally focused and within a confined area.

So many long arm quilters do such fabulous custom work.  I have discovered that I won't ever become one of them.  

I absolutely LOVE the piecing of the top, and I can even say that I love putting the binding on, but the actual quilting machine quilting, meh.  I won't say that I will totally give up on it.  I can see eventually attempting more rulers and custom work, but today, it really doesn't bring me joy to do it.  But hand quilting a quilt - now that's another story! 

I love to see custom machine quilting on quilts and I really study the thread dancing on the fabric.  It truly amazes me to see the fine attention to detail and the complete precision and fluidity necessary to do this kind of work.  I already know that I don't have the desire to commit to the time commitment and the patience to master this skill.  And, I am actually very much okay with that. 

Sew, I will continue to do the all over free motion, edge to edge quilting that I have become comfortable doing on my long arm sewing machine.  It works.  It gets the job done.  And I am happier to move onto the next project. 

I gave upon the custom flowers in the rail fence blocks and went back to what I like to do, edge to edge free motion quilting!  That's what makes me happy.

My friend J and I took in the Red Deer Quilt show last week.  The members of the Central Alberta Quilt Guild really know how to put together a show.  I don't think I have ever walked away from any of their quilt shows, wishing I hadn't gone.  The quilts are incredibly stunning, they bring in fabulous vendors and there are awesome door prizes.  Every year I am blown away that the current year's show was even better than the previous year before. Just when you don't think it could be any better, they step it up and surprise you.  Congratulations on another fabulous show again this year.

It is supposed to be nice again for the weekend.  I feel like there will be some more spring yard clean up after our weekly coffee date tomorrow morning.

Oh!  And don't forget to Vote! 

Until next time, have a wonderful weekend and do what brings you joy.

Warmest Regards,


Friday 5 April 2019

The Fluffy Butts and An Egg Skelter

Good Afternoon:

Weather Report:

It is difficult to concentrate when the weather is so fabulous! It is so wonderful to be out and about - wearing a light jacket and shoes again!  I almost complained that I had to wear a hat, to keep the sun out of my eyes, if you can even imagine?!

Papa's Workshop:

Since Papa has been home, we have been teasing Wilbur by asking him if he wants to head out to Papa's Workshop or Gramma's Studio?  I have been royally ditched!  I can't even believe it!  I would like to think that he might entertain, even if only for a second, that he would prefer to come with me.  But, who am I kidding?  Gramma Stuff is Classical Music, a sewing machine and he has a nap at my feet.  Papa's adventures include Chicken poop, romping around the yard, chasing the cat, peeing on trees, working in the workshop (which might include sneaking a piece of wood to carry around or licking up sawdust) and generally "Man Stuff".  I guess I am now playing second fiddle - that is, until it is time to eat something! I am happy the two of them do so enjoy each other's company.

Wilbur in hot pursuit of Papa so he can help him do "Man Stuff"
Papa also had a wood working project for me.  I saw the cutest egg Skelter on a Chicken Page last week.  I just had to have one, so I printed off a picture for Papa to make me one.  Well, apparently, a pattern, when you are designing something that sends raw eggs careening down a wooden ramp, with switch back drops, might be a good thing?  What do I know?  He is such a patient man.  After 6 hours of drafting, designing, re-tooling, re-grooving, re-building drops, correcting angles and cracking a few eggs along the way, he came up with this:

Decorative Egg Skelter . . .

. . . And, it actually works!  
It is So Cute!  And it actually works.  If anyone is interested in purchasing a Ready To Finish Egg Skelter for yourself, please message me for more information.

Pond Thaw Progress:

Papa and I took a stroll around the property today, to survey the winter damage and contemplate spring activities.  The Pond is thawing - no sign of any fish yet, which is a good thing considering our entire stock were floating belly up last spring!  Our amazing daughter and grandbuddy picked up new fish for us last summer, to replace last year's terrible find.  Hopefully these ones made it through the winter okay.  Time will tell, but so far, so good!

The pond is beginning to thaw.  No sign of any fish yet. 

Wilbur Update:

We still have quite a bit of snow along the fence line and on the north side of any structure.  Good news for Wilbur has he still has snow and ice to munch on - not so good news for us as his feet are quite wet when he comes in.

We took himself for a bath this morning after a good brushing first.  We just love Pet Valu!  For $10, they supply a tub large enough for our boy (it's huge!), the water, shampoo, aprons, towels (we use lots), facecloth, blow dryer and a treat for good behaviour!  He is a bit spoiled though and won't eat their treats any more, so we bring some from home.  I bake him pumpkin cookies and dehydrate apples and pumpkin slices for his treats.

We then took him by the vet's office for a weigh in.  They only ever get to see him before his bath, so we thought they might appreciate a nice smelling pup for a change.  Our little buddy weighed in at 134 lbs.  He is not so little any more.

Fluffy Butts!

Papa went to town to pick up our latest Ranch additions yesterday.  32 Barred Plymouth Rock Fluffy Butt Chicks joined the funny farm yesterday morning.  They are some Cute!  Wilbur is pretty excited to have new babies to look after.  When these mature, they hens will replace our laying stock and the roosters, except for one, will be harvested.  We are having the Little's out in a few days for a Meet the Chicks party. The babies will only stay little for a very short time.  We love to share this simple joy with our Grandbuddies.   

Baby Chicks coming to their new home.

Wilbur surveying his newest charges.  He is such a great protector.

Studio Update:

I got the quilt top finished and loaded onto the long arm the other day.  This was the Super Fun Fabric Stash Score that I discovered a couple of weeks ago.  I found a pattern that allowed me to showcase the fabric in 2 1/2" strips so you can still see the prints.  I wanted something fun and fairly quick to do.  After auditioning four background fabrics, I decided on the darkest pink choice.  I had contemplated adding sashings, but it just didn't suit the design.  I did add a dark pink zinger to the outer border [also not in the design], to grow it a bit and to tie in the dark pink center blocks.  I am happy with the end result.  

I am stepping outside my comfort zone to quilt it though.  Lots of Starts and Stops and tying ends and burying threads.  I usually do an All Over design, so this is a very different process for me.  You need to try new things, right?  

Quilt top Finished with pink background fabric.  The outer border is my own design.

Pattern is called Fireworks, by Kate Henderson found on page 83
Greenhouse Report:

With the weather being so agreeable, Papa also began moving plants out to the greenhouse and got it started up this week.  He reports that the lettuce and spinach that he planted as a spring crop have sprouted.  Grow, Baby, Grow!  His Grape Vines have really taken off and the Cucs, Toms and Peppers are in their permanent home for the season.  I am giddy in anticipation!

Grape cutting starts in the bottom tray.  Yay!

Bedding Plants, Greenhouse Cucumbers, Tomatoes and Peppers all in their home for the season.  Yay!

I think that is about all for this week.  It has been wonderful hanging the clothes out to dry, playing with the baby chicks and going for walks.  It doesn't get much better!

Until next time!
