
Friday 8 March 2019

Hair Care and Science Fair

Good Morning:

Hair Care:  I have been cutting my own hair for decades.  Not that I haven't had some good hair stylists over the years, it sort of just happened more out of necessity. 

You know when you have a great stylist, and she has a life outside of doing people's hair, then suddenly, she isn't available any more?  She moves, or has a baby, or retires, you know - has a life outside of hair styling. . . . .   And there you are on the hunt.  Again.  Looking for someone who can handle your head and doesn't leave you with something that needs more than the 30 seconds you are willing to commit to maintaining it?  Or gives you a treatment that causes your hair to break off in chunks and leave a right mess behind?  We all have a story.

It was after a particularly bad experience, that I realized that I couldn't do any worse if I had done it myself.  That, and I just got tired of trying to find another new stylist. 

And so, with scissors in hand I began with a simple trimming to clean up some dry ends from the clearly gone wrong treatment and freshen up the bangs.  And it actually looked quite good. 

Then one day, I got really, really brave and went short.  Really short.  I'm talking Uber Short.  And it was liberating. 

No more waiting two weeks for an appointment.  I could trim on a whim.  And so, began my foray into personal hair maintenance.  I always figured that if it was really bad, that it would grow back and I could wear a hat, if need be, until it did.  Saving time and money and I have no one to blame but myself for a bad hair cut! 

Weather Report:  I can't believe that it is still as cold as it is outside.  I read in the paper today that this has been the coldest February in 40 years!  I wouldn't doubt it!  And now that it's March, we actually expected that maybe we would get more seasonable temps, but nope, not yet.  Makes for some pretty guilt free sewing, it does!  Ha ha ha!

Sewing Update:  I have been continuing with the Thread Play on my Alphabet Panel.  It is turning out sew cute!  I have been enjoying the process.  Still don't know if I am going to make it into a wall hanging for my DIL's daycare or as a floor quilt for the little ones to sit on or cuddle with for story time. 

Panel without [left] and with Thread embellishment.  What a difference a bit of thread can make.  Look at the texture!

I recently finished 3 quilts for three young folks.  I didn't want to make a whole, embroidered label for each quilt, so I opted to just make a quick notation right on the binding.  Super easy to do with your sewing machine if you have a built in letter library.  Or do by hand embroidery, after the binding is applied.  Gets the job done in a quiet way.  I believe that it is important to label every quilt to give it a provenance.  It honors the maker and his/her time. 

Sometimes you just don't need a whole quilt label.  An effective way to label your quilt.

Science Fair:  One thing about living relatively close to your grand-buddies, is you get impromptu visits, lots of sleepovers and requests for assistance occasionally.  

Recently our middle grand buddy asked Papa if he could help him with his Science Project.  The theme is Simple Machines.  Of course, Papa would be delighted to help.  So, after a sleepover, the two set upon some brainstorming to come up with a project that said student could design and build himself, with supervision and guidance from an experienced assistant.  

Brainstorming at the kitchen counter.

They explored planes, fulcrums, simple screws, levers and pulleys, among other options.  With much deliberation, our buddy decided on a pulley system.  Off they went to Papa's Workshop to continue with the plan and begin the project.  

I headed out to my studio, figuring that they would be occupied for several hours, then I would head out to check on the progress.  I was just finishing up what I was doing, a few hours later, when the younger of the two comes storming into the studio, wanting to know if I wanted to see what they had made!  

I couldn't believe that they were done already.  This, and I had totally missed it.  I guess it was probably just as well as the two men had a marvellous time cutting out wood, drilling into the bricks, then gluing and screwing it all together.  I would have probably only been in the way anyways.  

They had fun and our buddy learned a lot in the process.  He was so very proud as he had me pull the strings to lift the different bricks and proceeded to explain why they got lighter and lighter with each pulley added.  

Now he just has to write up his report before presenting his project to his class.  He was exceptionally pleased with himself and his project.  And in the Grand Scheme of Things, That is All that Matters.  

Keep warm and enjoy your day!

Until next time,


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